Contact Us

Hours & Contact Info

Monday to Friday:
8:00 am -12:00 pm and 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Lunch and evenings available by appointment
Closed long weekends Friday to Monday

150 North Service Road
Box 10, Melville, SK
S0A 2P0


Call (306) 728-2211, fax (306) 728-3200 or email our office for a quick free estimate from your sizes.

If you would like us to handle the installations for your project, we will get your information to start the process. We will measure your windows and doors, and take a small portion of your time to discuss how you would like the windows to open and basic options to meet your home’s style. Your windows are then priced in our office and you will be contacted to go over the quote by our sales team.

We will give you all the information and benefits on a quality window and let you make a hassle-free educated decision. If you would like to order we will take a 40% deposit and give you our current lead time. We will call you one week in advance to schedule the installation date.

Saskatchewan Contractors in outlying areas:

You can have our windows supplied and installed even if you are outside of our service area as we have many qualified contractors that use our product. Contact our office for contact information for a contractor near you in Regina, Saskatoon, Estevan, and south eastern and central Saskatchewan.

You are covered with Century Glass

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